How Can We Help?

Bank Reconciliations
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Expense Management
Fixed Assets
Year End Accounts
Job Costing

Payroll & HR Services
Payroll Setup & Processing
Leave Entitlements
Workers Compensation
Apprenticeship Claims
Long Service Leave
HR intermediary
Access to HR legal advisors

Xero Migration
Migration from
Paper systems
Desktop systems
Cloud-based providers
Non-compliant providers

BAS Agent Services
Quarterly or Monthly BAS
Monthly IAS (PAYG reporting)
Superannuation Guarantee Statements
Single Touch Payroll
GST & PAYGW Registration
Taxable Payment Annual Reports (TPAR)
Small Business Grants
Liaison with ATO

Consulting Services
End-to-end review of business processes
Streamlining processes
App integration
Debtor Management
Accounting File Audits & Healthchesk
Cash Flow Management
ABS Survey Reporting

App Integration
We specialise in selected apps to integrate with Xero.
Connection with Cloud Integrator for specialist applications

Bookkeeper Training
Two-hour blocks of time to help you define where you are and where you want to be.
One-on-one training in specified Bookkeeping Processes based on your needs
Xero Training in targeted areas
Xero Projects
Dext training and implementation training​

Small Business Training
Two-hour blocks of time to help you organise your business processes
One-on-one training in specified areas
Xero Training in targeted areas
App training​
General workflow training
Moving to a paperless office